Toyota Eco Youth Program is a collaborative effort between UMW Toyota Motor and the Ministry of Education, to cultivate environmental awareness and encourage respect for the environment among youth in secondary schools.

The first TEY took place
in 2001
and since then has grown in leaps and bounds to become a nation-wide school environment-awareness program with a rich legacy.
TEY is all about resolving environmental issues
that existed within the communities by utilizing Toyota’s 8 steps Problem Solving Methodology (PSM).
Our Mission
Toyota’s presence in communities all over the world aims to have a positive impact on the environment. It hopes to realize sustainable development together with the society. The objective of this initiative is to cultivate environmental awareness and instill good environmental habit from youth as they are the future caretaker of the environment.
Our Vision
To position UMW Toyota Motor as a responsible corporate citizen by addressing environmental issues through education and creating awareness. To ensure we arrive at our destination tomorrow, we must invest in the youths of today.